Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Poetic Obituaries: [Nicholas Hughes] was only a baby when

his mother [Sylvia Plath] died but she had already sketched out what he meant to her in one of her late poems.

In Nick and the Candlestick, published in her posthumous collection Ariel, she wrote: "You are the one/Solid the spaces lean on, envious./You are the baby in the barn."

Later his father wrote of how, after Plath's death, their son's eyes "Became wet jewels,/The hardest substance of the purest pain/As I fed him in his high white chair". Neither he, nor his sister nor their Poet Laureate father could ever fully escape the shadow cast by Plath's suicide in 1963 and the personality cult that then sprang up around her memory.

from The Times: Nicholas Hughes, Sylvia Plath's son commits suicide
also One Poet's Notes: Sylvia Plath and Nicholas Hughes: Mother and Son
also Daily News-Miner: Nicholas Hughes, son of major poets, emerged as prominent Alaska biologist
also Daily Mail: Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath's son commits suicide, 46 years after she gassed herself


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