Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great Regulars: [Tess] Gallagher agrees that [Raymond] Carver

became comfortable with some of the [Gordon] Lish versions. She doesn't want to withdraw "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" (a title Lish conceived). Her desire is to provide a fresh look at Carver's development as a writer, to get him away from the minimalist label associated with the Lish-edited stories, and to let people compare versions. The standard narrative on Carver's career is that after he stopped drinking and found happiness with Gallagher, his work blossomed from the terse, bleak style of "What We Talk About" to the fuller, more generous stories in his masterpiece, "Cathedral," and in the seven new stories in "Where I'm Calling From."

from Jeff Baker: The Oregonian: Northwest writers at work: Tess Gallager in Raymond Carver country


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