Tuesday, April 20, 2010

News at Eleven: Look at the inversions in syntax,

which in other hands might be quaint, like the poeticisms of Victorian verse, but here sound flexed, like metal bent under pressure.

Listen to how the poet's layered vocabulary has grasped and twisted together the archaic and absolutely up-to-date, with so many sly rhymes, skewed but audible--"deeps" and "teeth" and "heel," "struggle" and that marvelous "muckle," on and on through "sorrow" and "bower."

As you can hear, Ms. [Lynn] Emanuel is not one of the (innumerable) adherents of the "I went here and there, I saw this, I realized that" style of contemporary poem.

from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: 'Wake up' is poet's cry in new collection


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