Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Great Regulars: "I started wishing I were a man.

I wished I were ugly."

The parallels between Inga's life and her creator's are unmissable, and, as an author, [Siri] Hust­vedt happily acknowledges her role as the architect of endless alternative selves. "Novelists embody plural selves all the time," she says. "What are characters, after all, if not other selves?" It's an impulse which, she thinks, stems from the childhood drive to create; she sees something Peter Pan-ish in the disposition of the novelist that allows this playing to continue.

from Sarah Crown: The Guardian: 'I don't think I've exorcised the Shaking Woman. This is an aspect of my neurology and I can't expect it to go away. She's me'


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