Tuesday, June 01, 2010

News at Eleven (Back Page): But it was only around 2008

that an academic researcher offered to show him [J.M. Coetzee] files he had unearthed relating to three of the author's works from the 1970s and early 1980s.

In those years, apartheid pervaded the land, prescribing where people lived and worked, where they were born and buried, how they traveled, whom they loved: a law called the Immorality Act made miscegenation a crime. Yet one file, concerning Mr. Coetzee's "In the Heart of the Country" (1977), seemed to find a way of bypassing those pseudo-moral strictures, noting that "although sex across the color line is described," the book "will be read and enjoyed only by intellectuals."

from The New York Times: The Censor and the Censored, Linked by Literature


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