Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Poetic Obituaries: [Leslie Scalapino] published her first book

O and Other Poems in 1976, and since then has published thirty books of poetry, prose, inter-genre fiction, plays, essays, and collaborations. Scalapino's most recent publications include a collaboration with artist Kiki Smith, The Animal Is in the World like Water in Water (Granary Books), and Floats Horse-Floats or Horse-Flows (Starcherone Books), and her selected poems It's go in horizontal/Selected Poems 1974-2006 (UC Press) was published in 2008. In 1988, her long poem "way" received the Poetry Center Award, the Lawrence Lipton Prize, and the American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation.

from East Bay Express: Leslie Scalapino Dies


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