Tuesday, September 07, 2010

News at Eleven: New West readers will recognize the book's

physical landscape of brook trout, wildfire, geese in a thawing valley, and mule deer "the color of stoneware," whose paths "lead from dream to water." "Redpolls" begins with the speaker observing these birds as they visit her thistle feeder. She [Melissa Kwasny] reflects on how a field guide characterizes the species, and then the poem makes a metaphorical jump, becoming not just about redpolls but about all of us.

"An irruptive species,
the book says, which means they won't be back
next year or next, like my grandmother, for instance.
So, after work, I make popcorn, fill her green bowl,
take it out to the creek where she might find it."

from New West: Montana's Melissa Kwasny Crafts Poetry With a Scientist's Eye


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