Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Poetic Obituaries: National Catholic Reporter tells us that [Raimon] Panikkar

was "simultaneously a philosopher, theologian, mystic, priest and poet."

"Conversant in a dozen or so languages and fluent in at least six, he traveled tirelessly around the world, lecturing, writing, preaching, and conducting retreats. His famous Easter service in his Santa Barbara days would attract visitors from all corners of the globe. Well before dawn they would climb up the mountain near his home in Montecito, meditate quietly in the darkness once they reached the top, and then salute the sun as it arose over the horizon. [. . .]"

from National Post: Raimon Panikkar, 'theologian, mystic, priest and poet' dies
then America: In All Things: Raimon Panikkar, Rest in Peace


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