Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Great Regulars: They may not be asking for

a positive review, but they are saying that the books they send out merit being reviewed, and that this should be done in a time frame which fits their plans for publicity. As soon as you set limits on which books are reviewed and when that's a loss of the impartiality which is what makes books blogs (the best of them) so refreshing.

from Alison Flood: The Guardian: Are publishers putting the squeeze on bloggers?


Poetry: opening minds, elucidating experiences--and now also making New York a safer place. I feel actual joy at the news that the city's department of transport is installing a series of colourful signs featuring haikus by the artist John Morse in dangerous locations around New York, in the hope it will prompt passersby to travel the streets more safely.

from Alison Flood: The Guardian: Putting the poetry into road safety


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