Tuesday, December 13, 2011

News at Eleven: What They Say They're Fighting About:

How we should analyze and grade poetry. It's pretty clear [Helen] Vendler is more selective. Her argument being that letting everyone into the club, the list, or in this case, the anthology, takes away the luster from actually being included. And it's not unlike the same debates in the world of pop culture like the gripes with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or the selections process of an NCAA tournament, or a Michelin list. [Rita] Dove's point obviously counters the notion that fewer is better, as she points out that Vendler loses out on diversity, and perhaps much more by focusing on her chosen few.

from The Atlantic Wire: Never Provoke a Poet
then The New York Review of Books: Are These the Poems to Remember?: Helen Vendler
then The New York Review of Books: Defending an Anthology: Rita Dove, reply by Helen Vendler


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