Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Great Regulars: Brick walls dust sidewalks

with rust crumble as far
as the empty factory
worn as the body

I force snail-like
to my morning window
where sunrise now burns
glass shards and paint peel.

These stanzas are themselves worth taking a closer look at. "Brick walls dust sidewalks"--all nouns, though dust serves as a verb as well. The empty factory is worn as the body is by the soul, the same body the speaker forces to the window to see the burning sunrise.

from Frank Wilson: Philadelphia Inquirer: How faith looks to one who lives it


Literature is now 'further removed from the centre than ever before'. It has become 'one-sided, inevitably because it is over-introverted, often so deeply concerned with the inner world, and so little concerned with the outer world, that it . . . becomes a literature for specialists, themselves nearly always equally introverted . . .'

While I have never fully subscribed to [J.B.] Priestley's conceptual framework, I continue to be impressed by how insightful his application of it has proved.

from Frank Wilson: normblog: Writer's choice 94


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