Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Poetic Obituaries: Billie Jean James went to movies five times

a week, never missed the Oscars on TV, got signatures for petitions in support of environmental causes, hiked in Red Rock Canyon and on Mount Charleston, taught poetry workshops and English classes, and held season tickets to the Las Vegas Philharmonic.

"This woman has more energy than any other woman I've ever known," said Bryant, her friend of 14 years.

She was organized in her clutter, sorting her racks of clothing by color and style. She had many sundresses to wear on her hikes.

"She called it 'honoring the feminine,' " Bryant said. "She was very adamant that women need to be respected for their femininity. That's just part of Billie Jean."

from Las Vegas Review-Journal: Woman found dead amid clutter became compulsive


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