Tuesday, May 10, 2011

News at Eleven (Back Page): [Jessica] Therasmond was one of about a dozen

offenders who have agreed in the past six months to write and read poems in Broward Circuit Judge Merrilee Ehrlich's courtroom, each performance part of a young defendant's condition for probation.

Ehrlich said she hopes that choosing the poetic sentences would be one of the first positive choices the offenders make in their young lives.

As a reward. some are able to shave as many as 20 hours off their community service sentences.

from Sun Sentinel: Young offenders write poetry as part of sentences



Anonymous said...

disgusting human being

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear from other people who had interactions with this woman. Is she always the monster we saw in the news clip? The one berating the sickly defendant, I mean. It almost seems like she's a substance abuser or something. I've never seen a normal person behave that way in public.

How many other people has she verbally assaulted that DIDN'T get media attention because they didn't happen to pass away shortly thereafter? We need to start naming & shaming judges, D.A.s, lawyers, police officers & other members of the justice system who behave in this manner so they can be removed from positions of power. There's no excuse for treating human beings like dogs.

R.I.P. Mrs. Twiggs