Tuesday, April 10, 2012

News at Eleven: Entitled What Must Be Said and published

on Wednesday in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the lyric warns of a looming Israeli aggression against Iran. It argues that Germany should no longer deliver nuclear submarines to Israel that might carry "all-destroying warheads".

[Günter] Grass also takes aim at Germany's reluctance to offend Israel--reproaching himself for "my silence" on the subject, and acknowledging that he will inevitably face accusations of antisemitism.

He muses: "Why do I only speak out now/Aged and with my last drop of ink:/Israel's nuclear power is endangering/Our already fragile world peace?"

from The Guardian: Günter Grass's Israel poem provokes outrage
then Haaretz: Interior Minister declares Gunter Grass persona non grata in Israel
then The New York Times: Storm Continues After German Writer's Poem Against Israel
then Arab News: A voice of reason and sanity in Europe
then The News International: Uttering what must be said
then Spiegel: Günter Grass's Lyrical First Strike
then Haaretz: An undesirable policy
then The Jerusalem Post: An effort to reverse the Nobel Academy award to Gunter Grass
then Haaretz: Israeli writers call on international literary community to rebuke Gunter Grass
then Los Angeles Times: Israel's poetry critics
then Al-Manar News: "In Defense of Guenter Grass"


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