Tuesday, February 19, 2013

News at Eleven: One day, she [Sylvia Plath] read me what she called

some "light verse". She meant "Daddy" and "Lady Lazarus". There was real venom in them, yet the underlying rhythm of "Daddy" is that of a lullaby, a lovesong. Plath had unleashed the powerful forces that had always been there at least since her childhood bereavement, but now with huge discipline and great artistry. I do not believe she meant to die. I think she expected to be found. She was too full of life and passion.

from The Independent: This week's big questions: What is Sylvia Plath's legacy? Is there such a thing as a good divorce?
then Poets.org: What Sylvia Plath Loved
then Glamour: 6 Facts You Don't Know About Sylvia Plath
then Poets.org: From the Academy Archives: Letters from Sylvia
then The Huffington Post: Sylvia Plath 50 Years Later: What Modern Feminism Can Learn From Ariel
then Irish Times: A reminder that Plath lived for her art
then San Francisco Chronicle: 'American Isis,' by Carl Rollyson


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