Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great Regulars: In the sequence below, poet Amy Newman imagines

a set of lost notes jotted by Charles Darwin for his wife Emma (née Wedgwood). The series of haiku-like observations and miniature poems mirrors the delicate, precise, interdependent constructions that Darwin himself detected in nature. We seem to witness a mind in the process of realising that humanity, no less than the orchid or the wasp, is part of this vast, intricate pattern.

from Carol Rumens: The Guardian: theblogbooks: Poem of the week


The most ridiculous requirement--to poeticise on state occasions--should certainly go. Why continue to parrot what was a sycophantic charade even in the days when royal patronage meant something to poets? It's a charmless anachronism, an activity that shouldn't even be negotiable. It should be punishable (a stint in the Tower stocks would be appropriate).

from Carol Rumens: The Guardian: theblogbooks: We don't need a poet laureate


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