Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Great Regulars: And here I must confess to an embarrassing

youthful moment: I recall, before reading Solzhenitsyn, arguing with my mother the merits of capitalism versus communism. Angered, even in my teens, by corporate greed, I said something like this: "Well, at least in the Soviet Union, they share."

Yes, she told me. They share an existence in which many people are deprived--of the necessities of life but also of freedom.

from John Mark Eberhart: The Kansas City Star: In One Day in the Life prisoner Ivan Denisovich finds hope most meager


By Jo McDougall

One evening she glances up to see

from John Mark Eberhart: Parachute: 'Death slouched in a doorway . . .'



By Jane Marie Evanston

It's covered with germs.

from John Mark Eberhart: Parachute: Fever?


By Eve Ott
"You look nice today!"

from John Mark Eberhart: Parachute: 'Retirement'


Another Weather Report

By Pat Daneman

God shakes his fists eternally to say,

from John Mark Eberhart: Parachute: Weather or not . . .


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