Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14th forum announcement

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

Our headliner this week is about Great Regular Mick Imlah. He won the esteemed Forward Prize. The Guardian also published a poem by him, that you can find in Great Regulars. Announcing his win, is another of our Great Regulars, Frieda Hughes, who announces Don Paterson's win in our second story. Following these is the Nobel Prize in Literature announcement. The loss of its former respectability, and therefore the level of esteem we can give this lucrative prize, is discussed in Great Regulars by Adam Kirsch, David Orr, and David Ulin.

We have much than these, such as laureates Seamus Heaney with Derek Walcott, Robert Pinsky, Andrew Motion, and a new children's laureate; China's reaction to the possibility that even the Nobel Peace Prize process in Norway ignored the most deserving possible recipient; also, a newly found Scottish war poet, and much much more.

Thanks for clicking in.


Our links:

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog



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