Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Great Regulars: The indiscriminate impact of cluster bombs

was raised with the support of the Swedish government by the representative of the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva and myself. My NGO text of August 1979 for the citizens of the world on "Anti-Personnel Fragmentation Weapons" called for a ban based on the 1868 St Petersburg Declaration and recommended that "permanent verification and dispute-settlement procedures be established which may investigate all charges of the use of prohibited weapons whether in inter-State or internal conflicts, and that such a permanent body include a consultative committee of experts who could begin their work without a prior resolution of the UN Security Council."

I was thanked for my efforts but left to understand that world citizens are not in the field of real politics and that I would do better to stick to pushing for a ban on napalm--photos of its use in Vietnam being still in the memory of many delegates.

from René Wadlow: Toward Freedom: Banning Cluster Bombs: The Outlaws


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