Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Great Regulars: The speaker in the first of quatrain

of sonnet 94 waxes philosophical, while describing a personality type that has the power to hurt others. Such a personality might demonstrate that power, but he may still not necessarily act upon it. That personality type may remain "Unmoved, cold" and therefore not be tempted to display outrageous emotion.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Shakespeare Sonnet 94


In the third stanza, the speaker dramatizes the reason for his deep love for his country: it was in his own native land that he learned that he was a unique soul, a spark of the Divine. He learned to love God in the land where he was born. This love of the Divine places a permanent glow about his native nation for which he is eternally grateful.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Yogananda's "My Native Land"


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