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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
March 31st forum announcement
Dear Poetry Aficionados,
IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

A beautiful travelogue on Basho is where we begin. Our next step is to the end of verse. This leads us on through poetry by Mary Jo Bang, Christopher James, Paulann Petersen, and one you wouldn't want to miss by Ellen Bass, and another by Lawrence Raab, among others. And tonight, these straw-and-cotton sandals will take us into April, National Poetry Month, about which we have a couple articles as well.
But before we get to April, the results for the InterBoard Poetry Community's March competition are in. Three poems were selected by Elena Karina Byrne, who completes a wonderful winter season of judging. (Thank you, Elena.) Congratulations to the poets and the forums with the winning poems. In first place is "I, Raptor" by Brenda Levy Tate of Pen Shells; in second "deliquesce" by Lynze of Salt Dreams, and in third place, Susan B. McDonough's poem "Double Vision" workshopped at Blueline Poetry Forum.
Thanks for coming by. I am glad your voyage brought you here.
Our links:
IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags
Poetry & Poets in Rags blog
IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

A beautiful travelogue on Basho is where we begin. Our next step is to the end of verse. This leads us on through poetry by Mary Jo Bang, Christopher James, Paulann Petersen, and one you wouldn't want to miss by Ellen Bass, and another by Lawrence Raab, among others. And tonight, these straw-and-cotton sandals will take us into April, National Poetry Month, about which we have a couple articles as well.

Thanks for coming by. I am glad your voyage brought you here.
Our links:
IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags
Poetry & Poets in Rags blog
News at Eleven: [Basho's] despair only deepened in 1682,

Tired of cherry,
Tired of this whole world,
I sit facing muddy sake
And black rice.
In 1684 Basho made a months-long journey westward from Edo, which occasioned his first travel account, Journal of a Weather-Beaten Skeleton. In Basho's day travel was by foot and lodging was primitive. But despite these rigors he set out again in 1687 and a third time in 1687-1688, journeys recounted in Kashima Journal and Manuscript in a Knapsack. Both were written in a genre that Basho profoundly refined--haibun, a mixture of haiku and prose.
from National Geographic: On the Poet's Trail
also National Geographic: On the Poet's Trail: Interactive Travelogue
also National Geographic: On the Poet's Trail: Photo Gallery
News at Eleven: Yet according to the NEA report,

Sunil Iyengar, the NEA's director of the Office of Research and Analysis, says the agency can't answer with certainty why fewer adults are reading poetry. He and others believed the opposite would be true, largely because of poetry's expansion onto the Internet. "In fact," he says, "part of our surmise as to why fiction reading rates seem to be up might be due to greater opportunities through online reading. But we don't know why with poetry that's not the case."
from Newsweek: The End of Verse?
News at Eleven: [Ted] Hughes was a hands-on father.

In another letter to her, he proudly reported that "Nicky is evidently a very good painter at school. They've both become mad about Plasticene." He encouraged his son to draw and paint, rewarding him with a shilling for good work, and nothing when he thought it was careless.
from Telegraph: Ted Hughes, the devoted father
News at Eleven: [Andrew] Motion has said that the job

Yet, speculation about who may follow in his footsteps is growing, with bookmakers making Simon Armitage and Carol Ann Duffy firm favourites.
Here is a rundown of some of the names in the frame for the UK's most prestigious--and arguably unenviable--post in poetry.
from BBC News: Poet Laureate: Runners and Riders
News at Eleven: Everywhere we dug there were white bones.

My friends were perplexed. Were they our bones or their bones?
. . . The Americans left years ago and took their bones with them.
These skeletons, scattered all over our land,
Belong only to Vietnamese,
--"Quang Tri" in Mountain River: Vietnamese Poetry from the Wars 1948-1993.
There is no easy rebuilding after war. Literally or metaphorically, the survivors of the war are building upon the skeletons of the soldiers who fell while fighting for them.
from Crookston Daily Times: Poetry and the Vietnam War: The power of words to heal
News at Eleven: "Gasa" (Kasa), a form of poetry popular

But the traditional poetry has been revived in an English translation by Prof. Lee Sung-il, who retired from the English Department of Yonsei University last month.
from The Korea Times: Ancient Korean Poems Resonate in English
News at Eleven: "World's End," like much Neruda, contains

from Los Angeles Times: 'World's End' by Pablo Neruda
News at Eleven: Pretending to be taken aback, [Robert] Frost

from The Atlantic: The First Three Poems and One That Got Away
News at Eleven: [T.S. Eliot] went on: "After all, your pigs

Eliot's rejection might have been prompted by the political situation at the time, when Russia was regarded as an essential ally to defeat Hitler.
Animal Farm was only published in August 1945, three months after the war in Europe ended.
from Telegraph: T.S. Eliot rejected George Orwell's Animal Farm because of its 'Trotskyite' politics
Great Regulars: [Michael] Castro stands an old fear

In the second couplet, Castro doesn't warn us of dire consequences but encourages us to go ahead and cut, perhaps even the limb we may be standing on. In the falling, in the brushing ourselves off and standing up, who knows what we will discover--perhaps nothing less than who we really are. Then again, we might discover that we can fly.
Poet in a Tree
for Gabor G. Gyukics
from Walter Bargen: The Post-Dispatch: Missouri Poets: Michael Castro
Great Regulars: Around this time of year, those

And about this time of year, those who talk about poetry at all will complain that a poem should be easy to understand, or why bother? But when we dumb poetry down, pretty soon we've eliminated the possibility of the deep engagement with the sometimes seemingly intractable language, which can change us.
from Fleda Brown: Traverse City Record-Eagle: On Poetry: A challenge for Poetry Month
(New to) Great Regulars: During the course of the celebratory evening,

He also read one of the most nearly perfect poems exquisitely suited to this Holy Season in our (now) shared language, "A Drink of Water" (1979):
Here, (said poetry-blogging she, donning her critical cap), Heaney first creates a world inhabited by the sacred dignity of the catch-as-catch-can quotidian consonant with the past and redolent with those oppressive "Troubles":
from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: On Other Words: Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney honoured
"The perfect poem," [Erin] Mouré additionally muses, clearly equivocating vis-à-vis that earlier question, the one that's struck her as germane to all it is a poet shapes and makes, "the perfect poem is the one that touches me at the moment of reading and exposes me to something outside my being that, paradoxically, shows me that in me, too, is something that is outside of my being. Language is mine, and is not mine. The language of the poem shatters the cogito, which was always never unified: the language of the poem pulls the mask of self-unity off the cogito, I guess."
Cogito ergo doleo? Does Mouré think a poem can change the world?
from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: On Other Words: Traversing the mysterious Mouréan terrain
Great Regulars: Emily Dickinson's seventeen-line poem,

from Linda Sue Grimes: Dickinson's The Robin's my Criterion for Tune
The problem with the portrayal of this poor little rich girl is that it is painted by a person who knew the wealthy woman at age twenty and then did not see her again until the privileged woman was forty-three. Yet the speaker expects her readers/listeners to accept this pathetic portrayal as factual.
This poem sneers at this woman and draws conclusions about her life about which it is impossible for the narrator to know.
from Linda Sue Grimes: Kay's Pathedy of Manners
In the eleventh quatrain, the speaker's companion branches into the many lives the speaker has lived. Not only has he crossed these fields and valleys as a youth, but also as he was maturing to adulthood, he experienced these pleasant hikes many times at many different times of his life, thus "like the cloudy shadows/Across the country blown/We two fare on for ever,/But not we two alone."
from Linda Sue Grimes: March Poet--A. E. Housman
By clicking on the U. S. map offered in this section of the Web site, the reader can locate his own state to find out about events close to home. In addition to National Poetry Month activities, however, the state site includes information about the state's poet laureate, if it has one, and a list of other poets who hail from the state.
Of all of the projects and activities, the "Poetry Map" feature is probably the most useful one offered for the dissemination and promotion of poetry information.
from Linda Sue Grimes: National Poetry Month--April 2009
The speaker refers to the notion that light-skinned, blonde women were held in higher esteem than dark-skinned, raven-haired women. This fact, of course, simply reflects the part of the world where the speaker resides--in a zone where less sun would encourage less melanin production in human skin and hair.
The object of Petrarchan sonnets, "Laura," is described as "fair-haired," and some of the "dark lady" sonnets protest against the idealization of women found in these and earlier highly romanticized poems.
from Linda Sue Grimes: Shakespeare Sonnet 127
The speaker then comically creates the image of his lips changing place with the keys on the keyboard. Her fingers are gently pressing those keys, and he would prefer her fingers be playing over his lips. He offers the melodramatic notion that her fingers playing over those "dancing chips" or keys is "Making dead wood more bless'd than living lips."
from Linda Sue Grimes: Shakespeare Sonnet 128
The speaker makes it clear that the human mind is capable of understanding that the strong sex urge should be eschewed, except for procreation; thus he claims that the whole world knows this fact, yet the irony of the human condition plays out time and time again: despite the knowledge of right behavior, the human often falls pray to the false promise of "the heaven that leads men to this hell."
Instead of heeding the warning from the soul and from the great spiritual leaders and from great philosophical thinkers who have warned against this satanic act, the weak human being allows himself to be sucked into this depravity over and over again.
from Linda Sue Grimes: Shakespeare Sonnet 129
Many beginners in the study of yoga easily grasp the idea that they are not the physical body, but it is more difficult to grasp that they are also not the mind. The body is readily available to sense awareness, but the mind seems to be as invisible (unsensedetectable) as the soul is. One cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or smell the mind.
But the mind is as delusion-invoking as the body. And in yoga meditation, the beginner learns quickly that the mind is even harder to control than the body.
from Linda Sue Grimes: Yogananda's I Am He
Great Regulars: The point of the column is to bring poetry

Like, for example, what if you need help accepting your ugly shoes because the economy is poor and you can't afford to buy a new pair?
from Kristen Hoggart: The Smart Set: Ask a Poet: What Would Ovid Do?
Great Regulars: In spring, a person's thoughts naturally turn

from Garrison Keillor: Chicago Tribune: Spring reminds that we'd rather be artists
by Mark Strand
I think of the innocent lives
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Fiction by Mark Strand
Meditation on Ruin
by Jay Hopler
It's not the lost lover that brings us to ruin, or the barroom brawl,
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Meditation on Ruin by Jay Hopler
No Matter How Far You Drive
by Louis Jenkins
I sat between Mamma and Daddy.
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: No Matter How Far You Drive by Louis Jenkins
by Louis Simpson
The truck came at me,
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Suddenly by Louis Simpson
Teaching Poetry to 3rd Graders
by Gary Short
At recess a boy ran to me
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Teaching Poetry to 3rd Graders by Gary Short
When Somebody Calls after Ten P.M
by Bruce Dethlefsen
Suicide Aside
by Bruce Dethlefsen
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: When Somebody Calls after Ten P.M by Bruce Dethlefsen
Why We Speak English
by Lynn Pedersen
Because when you say cup and spoon
from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Why We Speak English by Lynn Pedersen
Great Regulars: I've gotten to the age at which

I am starting to strain to hear things, but I am glad to have gotten to that age, all the same. Here's a fine poem by Miller Williams of Arkansas that gets inside a person who is losing her hearing.
Going Deaf
from Ted Kooser: American Life in Poetry: Column 209
Great Regulars: [Anne] Carson's choice of diction

Similar vagaries of pitch arise through Carson's decision to replicate Aeschylean word-coinages, where two words are compounded into one.
from Brad Leithauser: The New York Times: Family Feuds
Great Regulars: The narrator has not seen this mythical creature,

The Jackalope
from Denise Low: Ad Astra Poetry Project: Gary Lechliter (1951 - )
Great Regulars: In January, three weeks after my mom's death,

from Meghan O'Rourke: Slate: The Long Goodbye
A Jury of Her Peers is longer on context than on textual interpretation. [Elaine] Showalter carefully traces the evolution of fiction, poetry and nonfiction written by women and analyzes their reception in the literary marketplace. In between short biographical sketches of the writers, she highlights features of their literature, noting, for instance, that many of the earliest works by women in America were captivity narratives like Mary Rowlandson's. She charts the rise of the domestic novel in the 1850s and the concurrent rise in female readers. She demonstrates that women writers at the beginning of the 20th century saw the short story as the most authoritative form available to them, and she details the advent of Gothic-tinged fiction in the mid-20th century.
from Meghan O'Rourke: Miami Herald: The evolution of female literary voices in America
Great Regulars: Apostrophes should be quietly forgotten.

from Michael Rosen: Metro: Michael Rosen's secret to a happy childhood
Great Regulars: But, however bitterly she confronts

from Carol Rumens: The Guardian: Books blog: Poem of the week: Sanctuary
Great Regulars: For [Peter] Porter, the pleasure of strict

from Fiona Sampson: The Guardian: Trapped by language
Great Regulars: One night, a few years ago, I was standing

from Frank Wilson: When Falls the Coliseum: That's What He Said: The moment of knowing
Great Regulars: Primed

It was middle June
from CounterPunch: Poets' Basement: Four Poems by Paulann Petersen
Great Regulars: [by Lorraine Mariner]

Jessica Elton is learning how to text
from The Guardian: The Saturday poem: Section 3 - Write text - p.22 by Lorraine Mariner
Great Regulars: By Randall Mann

from Kansas City Star: Poet's Corner: 'Translation' by Randall Mann
Great Regulars: The Poem that Can't Be Written

from The New Yorker: Poetry: The Poem that Can’t Be Written

by A. S. Byatt
from The New Yorker: Poetry: Trench Names
Great Regulars: Irene Brown's new poetry pamphlet

Keep it Simple, Son
from The Scotsman: Poem of the Week: Irene Brown
Great Regulars: Ode To The God of Atheists

The god of atheists won’t burn you at the stake
from The Sun Magazine: Poetry: Ode To The God of Atheists
Great Regulars: In style, the poem's use of stand-alone,

It Allows a Portrait in Line Scan at Fifteen
from The Times Literary Supplement: Poem of the Week: It Allows a Portrait in Line Scan at Fifteen by Les Murray
Great Regulars: A few years ago, when reading

from The Washington Post: Poet's Choice: Michael Collier
Poetic Obituaries: On the death of Ivan Cameron,

He had suffered from cerebral palsy and epilepsy.
from The Shields Gazette: A poem for tragic Ivan
Poetic Obituaries: As a reporter, and friend of Nicholas's,

However, if Nicholas Hughes assiduously shunned the neon light that flashed around his parents' past, he was always close to his father.
Father and son shared a lifelong fascination with nature; Ted Hughes' wonderful, and savage, poetry of the wild and his son's avid studies of fish, their habits and habitat. Ted Hughes wrote to a friend of how he and Nicholas fished together in Africa, Ireland and in Alaska's 'dreamland'; how they 'lay awake, listening to wolves'.
Tragically, it emerged just last week that it was his father's death from cancer in 1998 that triggered Nicholas Hughes's depression.
from A son lost to the deep wounds of Plath's sad death
Poetic Obituaries: Its luminous alliteration transports us

Our homage to Ilaria [La Commare] is a well-meaning translation of her 'Linden tree grains', an example of her skilled wordplay and her prose of poetic strokes, both volcanic and original.
Linden tree grains
from The Poetry Round: Ilaria La Commare's poetry in movement
also coffeefactory: editor Ilaria La Commare, 30
Poetic Obituaries: [Bill McCoubrey] loved writing poetry
and reading. He was also very proud of winning the Hugh MacDiarmid Tassie for the best poem written in the Scottish language.
Bill loved to travel and was fluent in French and German.
from Hamilton Advertiser: Former libraries chief Bill dies at age of 69
Bill loved to travel and was fluent in French and German.
from Hamilton Advertiser: Former libraries chief Bill dies at age of 69
Poetic Obituaries: When Mr. [Gwinn F.] Owens left the editorship
in 1986, he was succeeded by Mike Bowler, who edited the op-ed page until 1994.
"It was easy taking over because Gwinn had everything in place, and he passed along a great tradition to me. It was a good, lively page," said Mr. Bowler, who was The Sun's education editor and a columnist when he left in 2004.
"My contributors weren't necessarily professional writers. We had a cabdriver, a 13-year-old kid and people in prison. We had people from all walks of life. And we did poetry. We had lots of poetry," Mr. Bowler said.
from The Baltimore Sun: Gwinn F. Owens
"It was easy taking over because Gwinn had everything in place, and he passed along a great tradition to me. It was a good, lively page," said Mr. Bowler, who was The Sun's education editor and a columnist when he left in 2004.
"My contributors weren't necessarily professional writers. We had a cabdriver, a 13-year-old kid and people in prison. We had people from all walks of life. And we did poetry. We had lots of poetry," Mr. Bowler said.
from The Baltimore Sun: Gwinn F. Owens
Poetic Obituaries: [Ennis] Rees served in the post through 1985.

Rees' body of work ranged from poetry to literary criticisms to translations of Homer and Aesop. He also wrote children's books, often illustrated by Edward Gorey, with fanciful names such as "Gillygaloos and Gollywhoppers," "Teeny Tiny Duck and the Pretty Money" and "Windwagon Smith."
from The State: Ennis Rees: USC professor, state poet dies
Poetic Obituaries: A poem written by 17-year-old Samantha Revelus,

from Associated Press: Before stabbing, Mass. poet talked of strength
Poetic Obituaries: The poet and critic Derek Stanford,

But, 50 years after they parted, his poems seemingly inspired by the affair appeared in the Times Literary Supplement (TLS) for several years, conjuring up too the doomed 1890s poets he identified with and championed.
from The Guardian: Derek Stanford
Poetic Obituaries: [Gerrit Viljoen] continuing his studies

Viljoen also followed his father's keen interest in politics.
from Gerrit Viljoen dies
Poetic Obituaries: Mid-America Press published her [Cecile Franking Wu's]

The poems centered on her parents, her family and topical subjects such as President John F. Kennedy's assassination. The book won the 1991 Thorpe Menn Award for Writing Excellence from The Kansas City Star, beating some heavy hitters, including the late Dan Quisenberry of Kansas City Royals fame.
from The Kansas City Star: Cecile Franking Wu was a poet in running shoes
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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