Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Great Regulars: It would have been put on an airfreight plane

to New York City. It was then loaded on to a new set of trucks, maybe one with a stencilled name like 'Cool' or 'Kurt' on the driver-side door, and driven to Jackson, Tennessee, unloaded and sorted. It didn't stick around for long though, because it was then loaded back on to a plane, or a truck, and driven to San Francisco, where it was sorted again, batched, put into a smaller van and finally unloaded at 541 Columbus Street.

There is, I think, something almost picaresque about this journey. I would say heroic if that word wasn't so mangled and abused. But there is, now, a different way to get Granta. If you want to read the magazine on a Kindle, your copy can arrive in under a minute.

from John Freeman: Granta: The Speed of Reading


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