Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Great Regulars: "One of the hardest jobs is to put on

a party," said Keillor, who began presenting his folksy, Minnesota-based weekend radio program more than 30 years ago. "I just turned 69 and I had about 75 people at my house. I found myself walking around and worrying about the people sitting off in a corner, and if they are having a good time, and worrying if we had enough food. It's just the hardest work there is. But standing up onstage and singing duets and messing around with [ Prairie Home sound effects wizard] Fred Newman is my idea of a good time."

from Garrison Keillor: DFW.com: Garrison Keillor to bring his folksy 'Prairie Home' tour to Fort Worth


They can take themselves out of the economy by writing poetry. Poetry has no economic impact whatsoever--very little money ever changes hands. And so you become a neutral force in the economy.

from Minnesota Public Radio: Garrison Keillor on how poets can contribute to the economy


A Barred Owl
by Richard Wilbur

The warping night air having brought the boom

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: A Barred Owl by Richard Wilbur


Green Pear Tree in September
by Freya Manfred

On a hill overlooking the Rock River

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Green Pear Tree in September by Freya Manfred


by Patrick Phillips

It will be the past

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Heaven by Patrick Phillips


Henry James
by June Robertson Beisch

"Poor Mr. James," Virginia Woolf once said:

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Henry James by June Robertson Beisch


The James Bond Movie
by May Swenson

The popcorn is greasy, and I forgot to bring a Kleenex.

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: The James Bond Movie by May Swenson


by Linda Pastan

it rained in my sleep

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: September by Linda Pastan


Short-order Cook
by Jim Daniels

An average joe comes in

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Short-order Cook by Jim Daniels


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