Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Great Regulars: In the poem "Bubble Wrap," which I--

is the one I wrote on the day that the stock market lost so much of its value, I was coming home from the store, and I actually saw this immigrant who was selling--or trying to sell--no one was actually approaching him--these scorpions made of what looked like twisted electrical wire.

And I had thought, well, this is going to be the new economy now. It seems like, if value can suddenly disappear that way, then what kind of value was it? It's a sort of magic value that they can create out of nothing, and then it can disappear.

from PBS: Newshour: In 'Money Shot,' Poet Armantrout Reacts to Financial Crisis in Verse


By Rae Armantrout

Time is pleased

from PBS: Newshour: Weekly Poem: 'Around'


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