Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Great Regulars: The Jailhouse Blues Surprise


Do you Believe in Magic?

(for Ronnie White)

from E. Ethelbert Miller: E-Notes: The Jailhouse Blues Surprise or


Poem for RV

when you leave

from E. Ethelbert Miller: E-Notes: Remembering the poet Reetika Vazirani.


I also give credit to the genius of African-American literature right now. I think that we can glorify the Harlem Renaissance, but I don't think that they can go up against the writers today. Just like I think Tiger Woods is playing better golf than Lee Elder. You just can't go up against some of the individuals today. I mean Langston's wonderful, Countee's wonderful, but when you look at the intellectual range of the some of the Elizabeth Alexanders--first of all, their training, their education, has prepared them to pursue a greater level of excellence, and that's how it should be. And so what happens?

from E. Ethelbert Miller: Post No Ills: Visionary Literature: A Two-Part Interview with E. Ethelbert Miller


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