Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Great Regulars: Children's books today are too safe,

according to Maurice Sendak, author of the classic picture book about childhood rebellion, Where the Wild Things Are.

Speaking to the New York Times, Sendak said that modern children's books are not always "truthful or faithful to what's going on with children".

from Alison Flood: The Guardian: Children's books today aren't wild enough, says Maurice Sendak


The list of America's creative writing MFAs [PDF}, which for 2012 puts the University of Iowa top, followed by Michigan, Wisconsin, Brown and Cornell, was compiled by surveying over 600 MFA applicants on the popular Creative Writing MFA Blog. The 190 protesters, who have all taught in creative writing faculties and who include the authors David Shields, CD Wright, Bob Shacochis, David Lehman, Tony Hoagland and Heather McHugh, have asked the magazine to stop publishing a list which they say gives "disingenuous, oversimplified, and incomplete information" to prospective students.

from Alison Flood: The Guardian: Anger over 'misleading' ranking of creative writing courses


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