Poetry & Poets in Rags

Tomorrow makes 4 years of Poetry & Poets in Rags. I started this by searching through the news, seeing what was out there one week, seeing if it made sense to use a search engine to come up with informative results. It worked. I posted links to the articles on both Melic's RoundTable and the Atlantic Monthly's Writers' Workshop, both great and former IBPC forums, and both now defunct. After a few weeks, Gina Bryson, the managing editor of the InterBoard Poetry Community, asked if she could publish the column in the Newswire section of the IBPC web pages at Web Del Sol. I hesitated on the commitment, got a similar offer from CE Chaffin of The Melic Review, and said "yes" to Gina.

But in News at Eleven, don't miss the Back Page. Meghan O'Rourke just got married. (Congratulations and best wishes!)

Word is getting around, that a highly-esteemed poet has said "yes", that she will judge for the IBPC some time next year. It is her choice when. She may take a quarter stint, or she may decide to judge the POTY. So, if you get an e-mail about this great news, it is true (if not altered by the mill). Pass it on. I sent word to only one poetry confidante who posts at the forums, and said if she wanted to, she could tell one other, and so forth. As I said in that e-mail: pretty cool, pret-ty cool.

Our links:
IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags
Poetry & Poets in Rags blog
IBPC Newswire
Happy Anniversary. And congratulations on, wow, four years! I especially enjoyed the Bill Moyers piece--I went to see him in person once in Miami. He has a great social conscience.
You write these columns faster than I can read 'em:-)
Hi Carol,
Thanks very much. It's great to see you here.
I have on video cassette, the set of interviews Bill Moyers did with Joseph Campbell. I love it. Bill Moyer is about as good an interviewer as there is, and it is astonishing the people he has met and the subjects he has talked about.
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