Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Great Regulars: This is bookselling 2008,

a long way from the quaint belief that personal contact is the best way to get your book into the hands of the reading public.

At another social gathering, a perplexed publicist asked, "Well, what is the 'buzz book' of the convention? Tell me, I want to know."

Unlike my earlier shot at a comeback, I knew there was no answer. There seems to be no frontrunner for the eagerly anticipated novel or sensational memoir.

from Bob Hoover: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: BookExpo America: This year's event lacked zip
also Bob Hoover: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: BookExpo America: Rubbing an elbow or two with celebs
also Bob Hoover: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: BookExpo America: Zogby, Friedman offer two views of the future


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