Tuesday, September 09, 2008

News at Eleven: The people to pay close attention to,

a teacher once cautioned, are the ones who have something to impart that they could not have learned in any ordinary way. [Norman] Jordan seems to be one of those unusual people. His way of writing poems resembles the work of a sculptor: He collects images and sculpts, arranges and polishes.

Hear an audio interview with him on thegazz.com MountainWord blog at http://thegazz.com/gblogs/mountainword/. Here is the text of one of the poems he recited there, reprinted with permission:

"How to Sprout a Poem"

by Norman Jordan

from redOrbit: Jordan to Be Inducted into Affrilachian Poets Tonight
also MountainWord: Laurels: Jordan honored as 'Affrilachian' poet


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