Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Great Regulars: But instead of sinking into melancholy

with the news that sense experience is delusion, the speaker helps his listeners understand that "Sorrows bulge with joy./Failures are potent with determination for success,/Cruelties urge the instinct to be kind." The bad is not meant to cause harm but to encourage good.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: January Poet--Paramahansa Yogananda


Soothsayers reporting future calamities often exhibit behavior that limits their credibility. Many of those "world dreaming" folks like to pretend to be prophets, even though they spout "incertainties." Their portentousness becomes a blemish, when their many claims are rendered false by time.

During times of supposed "peace," citizens fail to remember that there has never really been a time of peace on earth.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Shakespeare Sonnet 107


The speaker contradicts his beloved's claim of mortality. He reports what he said to her after she protested his attempt to immortalize her name in sand. He argues that "baser things" may "die in dust," but he has determined that she is too "glorious" to die and then offers his verse as the means for her gaining immortality.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: The Spenserian Sonnet


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