Tuesday, January 27, 2009

News at Eleven: This is, of course, Americana;

most of us can find ourselves somewhere in those words.

Early on, the poem acts as a quiet metaphor for the coming of Barack Obama. "All about us is noise," [Elizabeth] Alexander writes seemingly as a set-up. This is followed by several scenarios about the daily struggle: "Someone is stitching a hem," "A farmer considers the changing sky," "A teacher says 'Take out your pencils. Begin.'" and the best one of all--"Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice."

from EbonyJet: Praise Song: The Morning After
also Yale Daily News: Inaugural poem garners praise
also The Weekly Standard: A Distinctly American Poem
also Home-Schooled By a Cackling Jackal: I planned to stay quiet on the inaugural poem and . . .
also Comedy Central: The Colbert Report: Elizabeth Alexander


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