Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Poetic Obituaries: Neighbors could spot Robert Brundage Ph.D.,

with his bushy beard and helmet, pedaling on his bike from one end of Toledo to the other to catch the next social justice meeting, plant trees, hear the latest poetry readings or simply chat with friends.

"No matter if you were black or white, rich or poor, Robert would always be willing to respond to you and love you," said close friend Joe Zsigray. "In sharing himself with the community, he lives on, and because of that experience of Robert in our lives, there's a transformation taking place in the lives of many people."

The 66-year-old activist, scientist and environmentalist died at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center on July 7, leaving what friends describe as a legacy of compassion for Toledo's history and future.

from Toledo Free Press: Brundage remembered as friend and teacher


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