Tuesday, July 06, 2010

News at Eleven: We've been seated

in the afterlife.

it's a good night
when the impala sprints off,

a good night
when the pride rips
at the carcass.

"In those lines, 'we' arrive at a synthesis of opposing positions (the impala's position and the lions') by rather suspect means. We're in an 'afterlife' that's a lot like the living room where we sit in our apparent human safety and comfort, detached, watching the 'struggle for survival' on television with the god's eye-view equanimity that our abstraction affords us. Our tranquility is disturbed, though, by the word 'afterlife' which reminds us that, if we aren't dead already, we soon will be. So this tranquility or 'synthesis' has a deathly aura."

from Bookslut: An Interview with Rae Armantrout


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