Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Great Regulars: When Ottawa poet and artist Susan McMaster

(pictured at top) sent me the trio of lines topping this poem, she invited me to continue in whatever way worked for me; natch, who could resist? Equally, who could resist sending half the composition under construction back to her so that she could complete it. Ah . . . if only it had worked so, well, clearly (given the smoke getting in our eyes both there and here in The Almaguin Highlands); thus, the final poem belongs to both of us (or we belong to it) indivisibly; and, for the life of us, literally, we cannot now tell you which came first, the writers or the words :).

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: In Other Words: Spontaneous combustion (June 2010)


Programme and Marketeer Coordinator Aisling Riordian enthusiastically elaborates: "Have you ever seen such a happy group of writers :-)? Well, the writers in the above picture--all from different cultures and backgrounds--have recently seen their work published, many for the first time, in Diaspora Dialogues' latest release, TOK5: Writing the New Toronto, an anthology containing new short stories and poetry from Toronto's talented up-and-coming writers.

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: In Other Words: Talk TOK5


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