Tuesday, July 13, 2010

News at Eleven: But when she describes herself and her work,

[Rachel Blau] DuPlessis defines her Jewishness in broader terms. You could call it an attitude, "a reverence for textuality so intense it moves into an antic quality within the seriousness, an exilic, nomadic sensibility, a certain kind of humor . . . a quarrel with the negative space some call God, a particular, actually somewhat skeptical, somewhat hopeful attitude to fulfillment and messianic hope."

I have culled this quote from an essay called "Midrashic Sensibilities" in order to suggest that her greatest tie to the practices of Judaism lies with her "reverence for textuality" and, more specifically, that aggressive, loving, and creative approach to texts we call midrash.

from Tablet: Midrashic Sensibility


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