Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great Regulars: The compulsion to be known not only as loaded

but cultured is often observed but rarely examined. It's interesting that this show is staged by artists all of whom have a complex relationship with the kind of people characterised by Vince Cable as merely "spivs and gamblers". Wolfe [von Lenkiewicz] refers to people who do "unspeakable things" before reiterating that the show isn't a moral judgment.

Even so, their show tries to lift the veil on the activity at Frieze. As a centre for commercial art sustained still by swilling disposable income, London eclipses Paris and New York. Frieze will be swarming with both people like me, who go to look, and hundreds of the modern-day "noblemen" with their Black Amex cards.

from Olivia Cole: London Evening Standard: How art can make greed look fabulous


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