Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Great Regulars: Changing Genres

by Dean Young

I was satisfied with haiku until I met you,

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Changing Genres by Dean Young


by George Bilgere

Jane, the old woman across the street,

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Jane by George Bilgere


Lost Childhood
by David Ignatow

How was it possible, I a father

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Lost Childhood by David Ignatow


Mambo Cadillac
by Barbara Hamby

Drive me to the edge in your Mambo Cadillac,

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Mambo Cadillac by Barbara Hamby


Mrs. Miller
by Charles Douthat

And to the south lived dear old Mrs. Miller,

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Mrs. Miller by Charles Douthat


Our Lives Pass Away
by David Budbill

Summer sunlight

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Our Lives Pass Away by David Budbill


Spilled Milk
by Willa Schneberg

I can still hear the clink

from Garrison Keillor: The Writer's Almanac: Spilled Milk by Willa Schneberg


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