Tuesday, January 03, 2012

News at Eleven: It was a surprise to me how intransigent

only a few publishers were. And it wasn't so much the idea of not being able to obtain the rights, that it was a matter of balancing the prices for those rights. And in one particular case, I felt that I had to talk about it because it was such an unusual situation where one of the publishers actually withdrew the rights not only for its two major poets, but said well, if you don't pay the same very large fee for those two poets and for every other poet who happens to publish with us, including some younger poets, then you can't have any of them. And that seemed to me to go against everything that I knew about wanting to publicize poetry, protect your poets, you know, help your poets along. So I felt an explanation was in order. And also I wanted to, kind of, expose this practice, which I thought was just reprehensible.

from NPR: Rita Dove On New Anthology, Advice For Young Poets


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