Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Great Regulars: If there was such a thing as thought crime

we would all be in jail, because even if we are incapable of murder--or any kind of real evil--there are times when each of us might flirt with the idea of what it would be like to rid ourselves of the person who has taken something from us, be it a lover, money or livelihood; the only free people would be those who were incapable of thought.

from Frieda Hughes: The Times: Monday Poem: The poisoned wedding dress



Maggie The Wolf Star said...

Ron Paul is the one presidential candidate that can and will defend the right of freedom of thought.

This right is now under assault, both here at home and in other countries like Britain, through the use of hate crime legislation and with HR 1955 (The Thought Crime Bill)

Ron Paul has had a strong and ever growing following since the start of his 2008 Presidential campaign. Since being elected to congress 20 years ago, Ron Paul has:

Voted Constitutionally in every vote.
Voted for freedom of speech.
Voted against gun control, so we can defend that right.
Voted against the illegal war in Iraq.
Voted against the Patriot Act.
Never voted to raise taxes.
Never voted for an unbalanced budget.
Never voted to raise congressional pay.
Never taken a government paid junket.
Never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
Voted AGAINST regulating the internet.
DOES NOT participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
HAS REPEATEDLY been named the "taxpayers best friend" in Congress.

If Ron Paul is elected President of the United States in 2008 he will:

Let Americans keep more of their own money.
Bring our troops home out of Iraq
Never wage an unprovoked war.
END THE IRS (this reason alone is why people should vote for him).
Stop the inflation tax (means he advocates a gold standard for money).
Stop unconstitutional spending leading us to bankruptcy.
Stop the national id card.
End the Patriot Act.
Secure our borders and end illegal immigration.
End birthright citizenship for illegal aliens.
Bring our troops home from no-win police actions, from all 130 countries around the world.

Maggie The Wolf Star said...

Sorry, forgot to post url for more info.. http://RonPaul2008.com