Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Great Regulars: Words don't fail Paulann Petersen.

Petersen, Oregon's sixth poet laureate, had no trouble expressing how she felt about being named to the two-year position Monday

"Thrilled. Excited. So honored to be walking where Bill Stafford and Lawson Inada walked," Petersen said.

Stafford was Oregon's poet laureate for 15 years (1974-89) and is a particular favorite of Petersen's.

from Jeff Baker: The Oregonian: Paulann Petersen named Oregon's sixth poet laureate


Floyd Skloot says the process works in reverse, too, that Rebecca helps him with his work and made editing suggestions that turned his essay "A Measure of Acceptance" into a Pushcart Prize winner. For a poet who thinks in metaphor, he knows a lot about science. For someone who talks fast and goes in a million directions at once, she's great at organization and structure.

"What made it so clear that this story was leaping off the page was Becca's capacity to create scenes," Floyd Skloot says.

from Jeff Baker: The Oregonian: Like father, like daughter: Rebecca Skloot follows her father's literary path


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