Tuesday, November 09, 2010

News at Eleven (Back Page): In October, I gave a reading in Toronto

with a Sufi group. Several were of Pakistani descent. They asked me about the intense Islamophobia loose in this country, that is particularly pointed against Pakistan. I acknowledged the truth of their question, but I begged for more time before answering. I'll attempt a piece of an answer here.

During the 1979 hostage-taking in the US Embassy in Tehran, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (my teacher) called a news conference in Philadelphia with the world media, something he had never done. He denounced the hostage-taking, saying, this is not Islam. Did this happen after the destruction of the World Trade Center towers? If it did, I am not aware of it.

from The Huffington Post: Rumi's Poetry: 'All Religions, All This Singing, One Song'


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