Tuesday, November 09, 2010

News at Eleven: Several Reporters Without Borders representatives

were arrested near the Arc de Triomphe this morning in Paris after opening umbrellas bearing the words "Free Liu Xiaobo" as Chinese President Hu Jintao passed by in a motorcade on his way to deposit a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

A total of six people--four Reporters Without Borders members and two other human rights activists--were taken to the 8th Arrondissement police station. Around 20 Reporters Without Borders members and a Canal Plus journalist were briefly detained by police at the Franklin Roosevelt metro station. Chinese pro-democracy activist Wang Longmen was among those who were stopped.

from Reporters Without Borders: Reporters Without Borders calls for Liu Xiaobo's release as Chinese president passes
then ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): UN urged to help jailed Nobel winner


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