Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Great Regulars: Theological re-interpretations have never been

so popular. They range from those where the author adds a startling new myth and message of his own, such as Philip Pullman in The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, to the kind which remains faithful to the original text but finds previously overlooked clues to revisionist readings. This week's poem, "Gethsemane Nude," by Robert Hamberger is one of the latter. It's from a sequence, "Bible Studies," which forms the final section of Hamberger's 2007 collection, Torso, and combines autobiographical sonnets about his first encounters with "The Good Book" with more freely structured poems concerning same-sex relationships depicted in the Old and New Testaments.

from Carol Rumens: The Guardian: Books blog: Poem of the week: Gethsemane Nude by Robert Hamberger


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