Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great Regulars: In the second quatrain, the speaker poses

a rhetorical two-part question: being one of such high breeding and accomplishment, are you sure that you want to visit one who is lower class than you? Are you sure that you do not mind reciting your substantial and rich poetry in such a low class place with one who is not of your high station?

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Barrett Browning's Sonnet 4


The victims in Goya's painting are truly suffering slaughter and death at the hands of an enemy, and although people on freeways die from traffic accidents, the number of those accidents is relatively small and do not pile up bodies the way the war paintings do. The speaker wishes to make the exaggerated claim in order to emphasize the highway problem, as he sees it.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Ferlinghetti's In Goya's Greatest Scenes We Seem


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