Tuesday, October 20, 2009

News at Eleven: In October 1897, the Los Angeles Times reported

on one of his visions: in 2010, he said, a new civil war would break out in the United States. [Naphtali] Imber's claim was that the ultra-liberal state of Kansas, whose female governor will have declared "the West for Westerners," will secede from the Union. Kansas will be joined by Illinois and Missouri, prompting the Eastern states to launch a war against all of the Western states, which will have supported the secessionists. The West will rout the East, and the two sides will remain separate. The East, which will wage war with Canada and annex most of it, will be governed by what Imber called "the Manhattan Empire," and the West, which will take on Mexico and annex most of it, will be governed by Chicago. Meantime, he said, California will split in two, with Los Angeles as the capital in the south and San Francisco as the capital in the north.

from Tablet: The Futurist


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