Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Great Regulars: According to Ruth Padel there is no one secret

to reading a poem, but the nearest I know is to think of it as a Journey. She asks this basic question: Where are the thought, the sound and the feeling coming from, and where do they land up? According to her, each word in the poem is a step on the road. We have to feel ‘the journey of thought' in the great poems, the shape they make. The most pleasurable thing is to ‘Try walking', the Journey of the Poem.

I am citing below some of my own favourite poems of Ruth Padel:

Tiger Drinking at Forest Pool

from V Sundaram: News Today: Baritone: The first woman professor of poetry at Oxford--I
also V Sundaram: News Today: Baritone: The first woman professor of poetry at Oxford--II


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