Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Great Regulars: But what about 2010?

What happens when we peek around the corner and try to see ahead or guess what's coming? I want to walk into 2010 with a degree of optimism and hope. I would even like to strut into happiness. I don't want two major wars in the world to become three. I don't want Katrina to introduce me to her sister or girlfriend and hit a city with another disaster.

from E. Ethelbert Miller: NPR: How Will We Refer To The Next Ten Years?


[by E. Ethelbert Miller]

Putting the Pillows to Sleep

She went home to another man.

from E. Ethelbert Miller: E-notes: Putting the Pillows to Sleep


E.M.: Tell us something about your life as a political figure and also as an artist.

D.B.: Well, I grew up as most blacks do, in a ghetto, in South Africa. My education was a missionary education by nuns who came from Ireland, Scotland, England or elsewhere. In some ways that was, of course, an advantage because the missionary approach, I believe, was a less racist one than that of the white administration of the State.

from E. Ethelbert Miller: E-notes: The South African poet Dennis Brutus died Saturday in Capetown.


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