Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Great Regulars: Not only will the people listen,

they will listen carefully with deep interest and "shift to the sympathetic edges of their chairs." While the simple report that one's baby have left him will not bring much reaction, if that loss is framed in a song and performed with a band, the audience will become deeply moved by the man's predicament. The audience listening to the sorrowful loss of love will be "moved to such acute anticipation."

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Billy Collins' The Blues


G digs the grave for H's burial. At this point, the speaker of the narrative inserts himself to proclaim, "I do not understand." And it seems that the grammar should indicate, "I does not understand," since one would expect "I" to be a character in the same sense as all the others letters. Thus, the reader is left with a conundrum.

from Linda Sue Grimes: Suite101.com: Howard Nemerov's A Primer of the Daily Round


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