Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Poetic Obituaries: "He thought it was dishonest to write grants

for research he could not predict," [Virginia] Maiorana said [of Leigh Van Valen]. "In a way, he upset the status quo at the university. He had a creative mind. You never knew what way it would go."

The paper that introduced the Red Queen hypothesis, rejected by several leading journals, appeared in 1973 on Page 1, Volume 1 of Evolutionary Theory, which Mr. Van Valen created.

Although the delivery of Evolutionary Theory was irregular and its aesthetics incidental, the journal developed loyal readers, according to Mr. Van Valen's U. of C. colleague David Jablonski.

Mr. Van Valen also created the Journal of Irreproducible Results to publish his poetry and songs. Maiorana recalls the lyrics to one song about dinosaurs mating, which went "stomp your foot, crash your tail, 6.5 on the Richter scale."

from Chicago Tribune: Leigh Van Valen, 1935-2010


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