Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Great Regulars: Never mind. This was then. Now?

[Ruth] Padel, the individual solely responsible for the egregious fiasco that lead to Walcott's forced-by-her withdrawal, wants everyone to play nicey-nice: "I knew nothing of any anonymous mailings and would not have wished John Walsh's article to be published. I was contacted by an Oxford student, who believed Mr. Walcott's relations with female students at universities was relevant to her university's election of a professor. . . . Because her concern seemed to be a part of the whole picture, I communicated it to two journalists. I would not have done so had I known of the anonymous mailing, or of any journalist intending to highlight this issue on its own . . . It would be so much less wounding to everyone concerned, it needs to rest . . . if you can find it in your heart."

Heart? Huh? What's good for the cooked goose . . .

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: In Other Words: Ruth Padel's ruinous route to notoriety


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